Researcher Ariel Zemach has published a paper on the Social Science Research Network entitled “The Emerging Right of West Bank Palestinians to Israeli Citizenship.” This article explores a path in international law for recognizing the right of the Palestinian population of the West Bank to Israeli citizenship, based on the annexationist policies of Israel in the West Bank. The article shows that a plausible reading of the IHRL treaty obligations of Israel suggests that it has to grant citizenship to individuals born in its territory, who would otherwise be stateless, and that most West Bank Palestinians are currently considered stateless. Therefore, if a given area of the West Bank is considered to have become part of Israel, most Palestinians subsequently born in such territory are plausibly entitled to receive Israeli citizenship as a matter of treaty law. It also appears, according to the study, that there is a broad emerging right under customary international law of the residents of a territory acquired by a state to receive the citizenship of that state, regardless of whether or not they would otherwise be considered stateless. To check the paper, click here