Welcome to Jurists for Palestine Forum
The first forum for legal professionals and lawyers interested in Palestine and international law from all over the world
The main goal of Jurists for Palestine Forum is to create and network between legal professionals and lawyers interested in Palestine from around the world, to provide training, raise awareness, and coordinate work in this area

Jurists for Palestine Forum seeks to create/coordinate among experts and legal lawyers who:
- Are able to deal with Palestine in terms of international law;
- Have excellent knowledge and experience in monitoring and documenting violations;
- Are experts in dealing with and providing advice regarding Palestine and the International Criminal Court;
- Have the knowledge and skill to deal with and give advice regarding international agreements and the obligations it imposed;
- Have the ability to deal with Palestinian refugee issues all over the world;
- Are able to work with different international and local organizations; and
- Have a passion for learning, developing, and working on the Palestinian cause and international law.
If you have these skills, or you are a legal professional and would like to develop your knowledge and skills in the above-mentioned fields, Join us so that we all get the opportunity to meet, network, and build capacities in the field of "Law for Palestine" Organization.
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